Marma therapy is an Ayurvedic treatment that is similar to acupuncture but it’s less invasive and doesn’t include the needles. Marma therapy helps to promote communication between the body and mind as well as between cells by activating the body’s innate ability to heal and shifting one’s biochemistry
So what are Marmas. Marmas are points on the body that represent life and death. marma points carry prana our the vital “life force energy” throughout the body helping the energy flow through freely
There are 108 Marma points
107 in the physical body involving the intersection of muscles, arteries, veins, nerves, ligaments, bones, and joints. The 108th Marma is in the mind.
When these marma points are pressed, they work through the subtle energy channels called “nadis” to bring healing and energy to the body, mind and consciousness.
Because marma activation works at the level of raw prana (prana that has not yet been differentiated into its various functions within the human body); its ability to facilitate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing is super powerful .
Marma Therapy involves gentle stimulation of the points through light touch, massage, pressure and the application of herbal oils to stimulate these vital points. In addition to relieving physical ease and The activation of disease and disease marma points also produces a powerful response in the mind, helping to calm it while increasing the clarity of perception, restoring energy flow, addressing imbalance, empowering more effective communication boosting overall well being creating a spirit of harmony.
Marma therapy is rooted in the deep ancient wisdom of the body and practitioner. The gift, the intention and the energetical connection between the therapist and the client helps to activate the healing power.
Finding a safe space, in tune and aligned Ayurvedic practitioners and educated therapist to guide and honor this experience of healing is essential to the integrity of the body and the treatment.